Thursday, November 30, 2017

ICOs Opening Doors to Blockchain, Investment in Africa

Most Africans can’t afford a full Bitcoin, but ICOs are within their reach.

The price of the top digital currency is well above the means of many, especially in Africa. A Bitcoin in Nigeria, for example, is now worth over N3 mln. This is a far reach in a country where half of its approximately 200 million people live on less than N800 (about $2) a day.

UNDP puts 50.9% of Nigeria's population as multidimensionally poor. An additional 18.4% of the population is considered to be nearly so. Nigeria’s current minimum wage stands at N18,000 (about $60) monthly.

These figures from Nigeria reflect the reality of many other African countries. Ghana recently introduced a new daily minimum wage of 9.68 cedis (about $2.20) up from 8.80 cedis.. In Kenya, the minimum wage was raised recently from Kshs 10,955 to Kshs 12,926 (about $125).

When compared to the UK where the minimum wage per hour is £6.50 (about $8.50), it is clear that not many Africans would be able to acquire an entire Bitcoin. The currency’s rising price may further discourage new people from jumping on its train. Yet, the urge to participate in the growing crypto ecosystem is increasing among many Africans.

The appeal of ICOs

Some of them now look to Initial Coin Offerings, which present Africans with a unique opportunity. Though the crowdfunding model requires caution due to increasing numbers of scams, its benefits seem to outweigh the downsides for many Africans. Basically, ICOs enable Africans to start and invest in projects with global appeal that are considerably less expensive than Bitcoin. Additionally, ICOs help Africans ensure their relevance in a global crypto-led financial evolution.

Founds speak up

Bashir Aminu, the founder of Cryptogene, writes:

"I think ICOs are crucial for the success of start-ups especially in places like Africa where access to traditional funding is extremely difficult. ICOs give startups the much needed head start to carry out and implement their products."

Aminu believes ICOs are relatively unknown in Nigeria and are often confused with fraudulent schemes. He points out that it would be difficult to launch a Blockchain startup in the country without an ICO, because getting funding from banks is nearly impossible.

Marcus Adetola, co-founder of Potentiam, shares a similar view. He believes the ICO method presents a more user-friendly and easy public participation mechanism for fundraising. However, as a new global phenomenon with awareness still in infancy, Adetola notes that more time is needed for people to understand ICOs' function and purpose:

"So the advice would be for people to educate themselves about ICOs and how they can use this new method to raise funds like never before, especially in Africa.”

Mounir Belaid, the co-founder at Sandfox Studio in Casablanca, has been encouraged by the interest ICOs have gained in Morocco. It has made pushing for this form of fundraising for local projects easier. Though bound by certain regulations, this new fundraising method is most needed to promote innovative project in the continent, Belaid says.

He explained that ICOs are the best possible promoter of Blockchain-based projects as they help draw global investors to Africa to improve local communities. He adds that ICOs that become successful will help gain governments' attention to Blockchain technology and they will also motivate more Africans to innovate in the space to solve local problems.

Belaid says:

"ICOs will help us to realize our projects more quickly. But with or without an ICO, we would realize them. It may just take more time.”

from Cryptocracken Blogger

Bitcoin Is an Emerging Systemic Risk

The bubble in cryptocurrency threatens the broader financial system, given new buyers’ different motivations from early adopters and use of leverage.

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Bitcoin Boom Draws Record Number of Indian Investors According to Exchanges

Interest in Bitcoin and other digital currencies is booming in the world’s second most populous country, which could be a huge boon for bulls.

India-based digital currency exchanges have claimed that the number of Indian investors who registered in their platforms to buy Bitcoin has increased considerably in the past few weeks as the value of the leading cryptocurrency surpassed the $11,000 level on November 29.

The unprecedented rise in the number of investors who want to invest their money in the most popular cryptocurrency was observed despite rumors that the country’s central bank may declare Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as illegal.

According to Unocoin co-founder and CEO Sathvik Vishwanath, the number of customers who registered on their platform in just one month has reached around 200,000 due to the sharp rise in the price of Bitcoin.

“It took us about three years to gather [100,000] registered customers and in last one month itself we have seen about [200,000] customers registering with us.”

Phenomenal performance of Bitcoin in India

Despite the negative views of the Indian government and banking regulator, the market for digital currencies in the country is booming. This is particularly true for Bitcoin, whose price has skyrocketed from Rs 459,047 on November 1 to Rs 860,049 on November 29.

According to Zebpay co-founder Sandeep Goenka, the extent of interest shown by investors in Bitcoin is phenomenal. He added that the number of users is increasing by 300,000-400,000 in the past few months compared to around 150,000 in June and July.

“The extent of interest in Bitcoins is at unprecedented levels. Every time prices increase, investors who were sitting on the fence and were skeptical do enter the ecosystem. This time it almost feels like mainstream adoption, something I have never experienced before, because now we are seeing interest coming in from even the conservative investors.”

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Why Slowing ICO Avalanche Benefits Blockchain's Image

ICOs are a promising funding method, but mixing traditional best practices with a dose of self-regulation benefits all.

The onset of Blockchain into the world’s financial markets has brought with it many new ideas, introduced rapidly to wide-eyed market participants over the last few years. Despite how far we’ve come, however, all the progress we can currently boast about was predated by a simple product called Bitcoin.

Revolutionary at the time (and still today), Bitcoin showed people that a safe financial ecosystem is possible without centralized authority figures, and that cryptocurrency is a great way to invest and trade. The idea caught on like a brush fire, and a new industry was born that seeks to forever change how we define money.

Bitcoin quickly spurred other projects like Litecoin, a more efficient clone, and Dash, which added a governance model and instant transactions. The industry stayed quiet until around 2015, when developers who recognized the Blockchain model’s wider applications introduced Ethereum. This was seven years after Bitcoin first hit the scene, but began the revolution anew. Since then, Ethereum has built its own loyal following and has even spawned new ideas of its own, unrelated to Bitcoin.

Sifting through a sea of ICOs

One of the most important functions of Ethereum is its ability to launch other cryptocurrencies. In what’s called an initial coin offering (ICO), companies can sell their own tokens, each with proportional relative value to Ethereum, and allow angel investors to exchange their Ethereum for these new tokens. Ethereum itself has value relative to fiat money, so launching an ICO became the new standard for startups that wanted to crowdfund cash fast.

ICOs boomed in popularity because of many factors. One important component was accessibility. The lack of regulations and ease with which anyone can buy cryptocurrency made the identification of willing investors an easy task. A second factor, speculation, encouraged these ICO investors to participate. Speculators and investors saw ICOs as cheap, high-potential investments. Early launches only solidified these expectations, with investors piling haphazardly into new ideas just to sell their tokens for large profits once the rest of the crowd caught on.

It’s important to remember that startups which launch an ICO owe their investors nothing, except the appropriate number of tokens promised. No equity needs to be sacrificed for funding, as investors expect nothing other than a business that keeps its promise to create a good or service, one that makes its tokens valuable in turn.

This potent value proposition has made ICOs the way to go for any new company, with ICO funding surpassing venture capital (VC) funding in 2017. However, despite the advantages of the ICO model, installing checkpoints and milestones into this untamed world helps filter out Blockchain startups that detract from the young industry’s delicate image.

Stemming the flood

The ICO method of fundraising is potentially excellent for both investors and startups alike, assuming both have noble intentions. However, for investors, the ability to “pump and dump” inexpensive ICO tokens is unhealthy and creates ill will within the community. Companies, too, must commit to milestones, make smart use of their newfound capital and deliver real results. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen.

Scam ICOs have proliferated in recent years due to low barriers to entry for new cryptocurrency brands. Diamond Reserve Club, for instance, was an early ICO that promised to invest in diamonds and give out diamond discounts to those who contributed most to the token sale. The founder, Maksim Zaslavskiy, did not return the funds invested nor had any intention of launching his business. Despite SEC intervention, many investors lost their money entirely. There are numerous other examples of such behavior.

Anyone can write a shoddy whitepaper, put up a website full of buzzwords, and create a smart contract that disseminates tokens to willing investors. Learning how to spot a real ICO from a fake one, or a high-quality, high-potential ICO from a weak one is vitally important. Since ICOs are unregulated in many jurisdictions,it falls on the community to protect itself.

Guiding the innovators of tomorrow

The Blockchain community is nothing if not clever, and is starting to figure out how to combat this unfortunate reality. Innovative companies have cemented themselves in the ICO process and seek to bring control and stability to the community. One such company, Iconiq Lab, seeks  to nurture other would-be Blockchain companies by serving as a startup accelerator.

Patrick Lowry, CEO of Iconiq Lab tells Cointelegraph:

“A lot of the best crypto startups out there have been bootstrapping to build a real product and service, rather than rush towards an ICO without even a prototype. It’s essential for them to raise additional funding to cover legal and marketing ICO expenses with so much already being put into business development. It is essential to identify these real, tokenizable business cases, provide the ICO-related funding needed, and accelerate startups like in the case of Iconiq. This ensures real business cases are developed and tokenized, providing high quality ICO participation opportunities.

A community is forming around the creation of smarter ICOs, and such groups may have the greatest impact on ICOs in the future. By sourcing, funding, nurturing and then launching the industry’s best startups under one roof, incubators demonstrate the possibility of maintaining high standards without regulation. Such self-regulation is arguably the best way to keep government officials from breathing down the industry’s neck.

New ideas in the ICOsphere

Accordingly, other services are carving out their own innovative approaches to improving the ICO market. LaunchMyICO, for example, uses a comprehensive, single platform to give new startups all the tools they need for a quality ICO event. Included are portals where these companies can write a whitepaper, build smart contracts and distribute tokens, engage in marketing efforts like developer bounties and community management and even handle customer service.

BullToken is a different spin on the “ICO investment community” model. Holders of BullToken can use their coins to vote on which startups to collectively invest in, and the winners will be able to ICO using the group’s support and funding. Starta Accelerator is another firm entering this new space, but takes a more traditional approach by inviting young companies with ICO ambitions to fly, pitch and join the company on the ground floor.

Showing the world a better side of Blockchain

The ICO craze shows no signs of tapering, and it is increasingly the responsibility of experienced incubator and accelerator programs to stem the flow of scams or ill-prepared projects. Smart startups will jump at the chance for a new mix of traditional and “Wild West” funding, especially given the alternatives. Venture capital funding is slow and painful, requiring founders to sacrifice equity for cash. Bank loans aren’t any better, and attach companies to a ball-and-chain of troublesome debt and interest payments.

Even conducting an ICO without any guidance is dangerous and prone to failure for the uninitiated. In the future, as investors seek to limit their risk, gaining entry to an ICO co-op will become a prerequisite to uncovering cryptocurrency funding. This is the way it should be.

Installing obstacles and effective filters into the ICO process is good for the industry and for participants themselves. Most importantly, it maintains the young industry’s positive image for an audience that has quickly grown more scrutinous.

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Bigger Blocks, Shorter Intervals: Bitcoin Cash Devs Reveal Mid-Term Roadmap


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Goldman Sachs CEO Open to Considering Bitcoin Trading Once Currency Becomes Established

Unlike many bankers, Goldman CEO maintains neutral view of Bitcoin, cites both benefits and risks.

Goldman Sachs’ CEO Lloyd Blankfein has been one of the most open-minded Wall Street CEOs on Bitcoin. He isn’t a Bitcoin bull like Michael Novogratz; but neither has he derided the currency as has JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

In fact, Blankfein has even pointed out that people distrusted paper currency when it was first introduced and later accepted it. The implication of his statement is that Bitcoin could become an acceptable means of exchanging value in the future, even if it isn’t widely accepted today.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Blankfein said:

[Bitcoin] is not for me. But there is a lot of things that there weren't for me in the past that have worked out very well. If it was 20 years forward and it worked out, I could tell you why it worked out. But based on everything that I know, I am not guessing that it will work out.

Vehicle to perpetrate fraud

Lloyd Blankfein does not believe that everything is rosy for Bitcoin. When asked about the risks associated with Bitcoin, he highlighted its use in crime:

One of the main uses of Bitcoin is as a vehicle to perpetrate fraud. And that is maybe because you can't trace it. So is cash, but guess what, it is hard to accumulate cash, sometimes.

Bitcoin may be used in crime, but the favourite currency of criminals all over the world remains the US dollar. Even JP Morgan Chase was found guilty of assisting money laundering in Switzerland. So the Goldman CEO was certainly on weak ground when highlighting that particular risk factor

We will think about it

When asked about whether Goldman was thinking about an investment banking strategy for Bitcoin, Blankfein said:

We will see. If it works out and it gets more established, it trades like a store of value, it doesn't move up and down 20% and there is liquidity in it, we will think about it.

If Goldman does establish a trading desk for Bitcoin, it could trigger a stampede of institutional money into Bitcoin. Nothing could please the Bitcoin bulls more.

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Fed Vice Chair: Cryptocurrencies Threaten Financial Stability

Decentralized currencies could have "spillover effects" on the wider financial system if they get too big, Fed supervision chief Randal Quarles said.

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ICE Agent: Cryptocurrencies Increasingly Used in Money Laundering

A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent mentions mixing services at exchanges and anonymity-enhancing currencies in Senate testimony.

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Almost Half of ICO Funding Goes to Europe, Report Finds

The report by venture capital firm Atomico also found that more than a third of all ICOs were based in the EU.

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‘A Vehicle to Perpetrate Fraud’: Goldman CEO Blankfein Sours on Bitcoin


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Hedge Fund Platforms Reject Bitcoin Funds, Fear It’s a Fad


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SF Fed President: No Plans to Put USD on a Blockchain

But central banks will likely continue discussing government-backed digital currency, said John Williams of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

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Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum Price Down by 20% as Cryptocurrency Market Corrects


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Bitcoin Price Declines to $9,200; Factors For Another Strong Rally?


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(+) Trade Recommendation: Ethereum

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Coinbase Ordered to Hand IRS Data on 14,000 Users

A U.S. court has ordered bitcoin exchange Coinbase to disclose details of more than 14,000 customers to the Internal Revenue Service.

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ECB's Yves Mersch: Banks Need Faster Payments to Counter Bitcoin

European Central Bank board member Yves Mersch has said banks need to launch instant payments systems to counter the rise of cryptocurrencies.

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Coinbase Ordered to Hand IRS Data on Over 14,000 Users

A U.S. court has ordered bitcoin exchange Coinbase to disclose details of more than 14,000 customers to the Internal Revenue Service.

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The Motley Fool: Bitcoin’s Biggest Competition Is Litecoin

Bitcoin should fear Litecoin as its biggest competition according to the Motley Fool.

It appears when perusing CoinMarketCap that the biggest competition for Bitcoin would be number two - Ethereum. However, according to the Motley Fool, the biggest risk for Bitcoin may actually come from somewhat lower - Litecoin.

Litecoin was created by Charlie Lee in 2011 and uses similar protocols as Bitcoin. According to the analysis, Bitcoin and Ethereum are really after completely different marketplaces. Bitcoin is really designed as a currency and store of value protocol built on consensus, while Ethereum is more of a functional platform that also provides a cryptocurrency for internal transactions.

However, per the analysis, Litecoin is essentially the same as Bitcoin - a currency and a store of value. While Litecoin has already completed the SegWit upgrade, and offers rapid transaction times, like Bitcoin, the platform allows for simpler protocol upgrades. While only Overstock accepts Litecoin among institutional-level companies, that isn’t the fault of the currency, but a problem of focus. Per the Motley Fool analyst:

"Litecoin hasn't been nearly as successful, but that looks to be more a function of its creator, Charles Lee, taking a backseat for years and only recently putting his full effort behind building up his cryptocurrency's use.”

 Whether anything can challenge Bitcoin’s dominance or not is still not clear. The Litecoin Foundation, however, believes both should function concurrently without any problems since Litecoin focuses more on payments.


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Bitcoin Not Threat to Global Economy, Says Bank of England

Bank of England Deputy Governor, Sir Jon Cunliffe, has claimed that Bitcoin poses no real threat to the global economy despite its current phenomenal performance.

Bank of England Deputy Governor, Sir Jon Cunliffe, has claimed that the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin poses no real threat to the global economy and financial institutions despite its current phenomenal performance in the market. The most famous digital currency has recently surpassed the $11,000 level as of late November 2017.

In an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live, Cunliffe reasoned out that Bitcoin was too small to present any threat to the worldwide economy. He added that investors should do a comprehensive analysis of the reasons behind the virtual currencies phenomenal rise to avoid risks.

This is not at a size where it’s a macroeconomic risk to the global economy, but when prices are moving like that, my view would be investors need to do their homework. This is not a currency in the accepted sense. There’s no central bank that stands behind it. For me, it’s much more like a commodity.

Bitcoin’s skyrocketing performance

Bitcoin has registered an unprecedented price hike in the past few weeks that led many analysts and experts to speculate on how much further it will grow in the future. Well-known investor and billionaire Mike Novogratz has made a new forecast that Bitcoin will reach a price of $40,000 in the next 13 months after successfully predicting that the virtual currency will hit up to $10,000 within six weeks.

In his own prediction, strategist and co-founder of Fundstrat Global Advisors, Tom Lee, has claimed that Bitcoin could reach a price of $100,000 per token if it will successfully capture 10-15 percent of the current gold market.

“We think over the next 10 years, this new generation of millennials are going to view trust as a replacement for gold. So, Bitcoin is essentially digital gold for another generation.”

Secret symbol № 18: D What is this?

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Bitcoin, Ethereum ‘Not Suitable’ For Muslims, Says Turkish Government

The Turkish government has advised cryptocurrencies are not “suitable” for Muslims.

Turkey has claimed Bitcoin is in fact “not compatible” with Islam due to its government being unable to control it.

In a statement from a meeting of the state Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet), lawmakers said that Bitcoin’s “speculative” nature meant that buying and selling it was inappropriate for Muslims.

“Buying and selling virtual currencies is not compatible with religion at this time because of the fact that their valuation is open to speculation. They can be easily used in illegal activities like money laundering, and they are not under the state’s audit and surveillance,” Euronews translates the statement republished by local news outlet Enson Haber.

Diyanet issued the guidance Nov. 24, several days prior to Bitcoin’s latest bull run which saw the virtual currency top $11,000 before falling 15 percent.

Turkey was previously a target of Bitcoin startups after the country infamously banned PayPal, but conditions have remained unstable.

BTCTurk, a Bitcoin exchange which temporarily shut down its operations in 2016, failed to find a banking partner after local institutions terminated its accounts without warning.

In terms of speculation meanwhile, traders may yet be apt to profit from the lira’s dismal performance, having lost half of its value against the US dollar since 2013.

Diyanet added that the same principles of “unsuitability” in particular applied to Ethereum.

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Between Bitcoin Bulls and Bears an Academic Weighs In

Fiery opinion often dictates Bull and Bear opinions, but an Assistant Professor has offered a learned approach.

When Bitcoin is down, the Bearish come out and berate the bubble-linked digital currency. Then, when things turn around, the Bulls stampede out the gates and proffer their emotional reasoning of how this is the money revolution.

All in all, it can be quite hard to find a learned and practical opinion, but Daniele Bianchi, an assistant professor of Finance of Warwick Business School, has given his thoughts on the recent rally and why it has happened.

A lot of thought and introspection was given when Bitcoin crossed the $10,000 mark. Questions were asked as to how and why Bitcoin reached this mark, and how it did it so quickly. The digital currency even raced on past $11,000. Now it looks to be correcting itself.

How did we get here?

Despite the correction back below $10,000, it is important to understand how Bitcoin got to such a milestone in the first place. In of the key reasons is of course, like in any booming market, demand.

"Despite fears about the Bitcoin 'bubble' bursting, the price of the new digital coins is going through the roof. Indeed, the increasing demand pressure from investors and speculators makes the case for an even further increase in Bitcoin prices in the near future,” Bianchi explained, adding:

"As the supply of Bitcoins is kept fixed by the underlying protocol, price increases are essentially due to increasing demand.”

Digital gold, not digital cash

Bitcoin also officially declared itself digital gold when it effectively shrugged off SegWit2x. The decision by the community to not do something drastic which would haul it back to being an effective payment method - coupled with Bitcoin Cash’s rise - indicated that there could be a full go at making it an asset.

"Bitcoin is becoming more like an asset class rather than a method of payment. This is something that the public and regulators should realize to fully understand the price dynamics of Bitcoin,” Bianchi explained.

Demand boom in a tiny market

Even when the cryptocurrency market crossed $300 bln, people were reminded to compare that seemingly monumental figure against other assets. The boom and the adoption acceleration seemed terrifying for those who are nervous of a bubble, but it really was just the beginning.

"In a sign of accelerating demand pressure, the number of active Bitcoin wallets has grown almost five-fold over five years. Similarly, the number of exchanges has been increasing exponentially since early 2017, partly driven by the explosion of the Initial Coin Offering (ICOs) as a funding strategy to set new marketplaces, and partly driven by increasing margins and profitability due to increasing Bitcoin prices.”

"Demand pressure is essentially driven by two things. Firstly, the increasing awareness by both the public and investors that cryptocurrencies are here to stay, and secondly, the increasing professionalization of cryptocurrency trading.”

"A clear sign of this is the announcement by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group, the world's leading derivatives marketplace, to launch futures contracts on Bitcoin by the end of 2017. CME already publishes both a Bitcoin reference rate and a real-time index," Bianchi concluded.

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How to Explain Bitcoin to Your Parents

Explaining Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies to your family may not be that difficult after all. Here’s a primer.

With Bitcoin recently reaching a high water mark of an all-time high of $11,500, it’s inevitable that relatives will start asking questions.

South Africa Prime For Crypto Revolution: Economist

A South African economist believes cryptocurrencies will thrive in the country.

Cryptocurrencies have taken the world by storm in the past few years and that has led to larger countries like Russia and China imposing bans on their trade.

While those superpowers flex their muscles to the detriment of various virtual currencies, emerging markets are starting to catch on to the wave and their governments and financial institutions seem slow on the uptake.

As a relatively young democracy, South Africa is one of those countries. Ongoing political dramas have hammered the South African rand and have led to recent credit downgrades- which has seen wealthy South Africans look to take their money out of the country.

No rules, no problem

Economist Dawie Roodt has warned other South African’s to do just that amid the recent political and economic instability in the country. Speaking to Cointelegraph, Roodt believes Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could be an easy way for South African’s to do just that.

Roodt said:

“It’s not necessarily a safe haven but it’s certainly a way of getting your money out of the country. The moment you buy Bitcoin, you internationalize your money. It’s not in South Africa anymore.”

What makes this more feasible for South Africans is the fact that there is almost no legislation on Bitcoin trade in the country.

“It’s in no-man’s land. There is no proper legislation, no real rules or regulations around these private currencies.”

The well-known economist also hit out at governments that have banned the use of cryptocurrencies and Blockchain, citing a lack understanding of the potential power the technology has.

Roodt said:

“Any country that bans Blockchain must be really stupid because it’s a new technology. It’s like going back 150 years and banning electricity. The issue here is not with Blockchain, it’s the creating of private currencies like Bitcoin. Those countries will be forced to allow Bitcoin, countries like Russia and China. The Japanese tried that; they banned Bitcoin only to rescind in the end to unban it. That is what will happen because it’s not practically possible to ban the flow of information. That is essentially what it is - the flow of information.”

Caught napping

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology has really only come into the mainstream consciousness in the past few years and it has seen governments and financial institutions make knee-jerk reactions in response.

Roodt believes that will be the case in South Africa in the next couple of years.

“Most authorities globally simply do not understand this and in the case of South Africa, the politicians don’t have a clue. There are a few bureaucrats that know a little bit, like at the Reserve Bank. That is traditionally an institution that is well informed but even they are behind the curve. I don’t think the bureaucrats and politicians realize the shitstorm that is about to hit them. They are going to get caught with their pants down; they haven’t got a clue about the power of this technology and how it will change the way we live. SA is ideally positioned to capitalize and implement this sort of technology which will eventually put the power where it should be - and that is in the hands of the individual.”

Secret symbol № 17: A What is this?

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Down, Not Out? Dash Price Likely to Defend $600

Dash traded over an impressive range Thursday, hitting new highs above $800 before dropping back to around $600.

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PwC's Hong Kong Office Accepts Bitcoin Payment

'Big Four' firm PwC recently accepted bitcoin in exchange for advisory services, a news report revealed Thursday.

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Regulation, Taxation Loom Over Crypto Investors

The cryptocurrency community still has plenty of questions about taxation and regulation, especially as the ICO space heats up.

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Topped Out? Bitcoin Flirts with Bearish Reversal

Bitcoin prices are taking a hit at press time, and could suffer a deeper pullback over the weekend, the price charts indicate.

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Blockstack Counterattacked a Phishing Attempt on Its ICO

When phishing sites tried to con investors during its recent ICO, Blockstack used its tech expertise to turn the tables on the tricksters.

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Ronnie Moas Raises Bitcoin Target Again: $20,000 for 2018

Ronnie Moas, quite happily, keeps changing his mind on where Bitcoin will be in the new year.

November has been a busy week for famed stock picker Ronnie Moas who, on Nov. 4, predicted that by the beginning of 2018 Bitcoin would hit $11,000. That was recently blown out the water, but before the target was hit, he adjusted to $14,000.

Now, Bitcoin is on its way to smashing that new target causing Moas to readjust for the third time in a month as the digital currency revels in a new era of adoption and acceptance.

Moas looks at Bitcoin as a whole, incorporating all the chain splits in his split-adjusted price is and considering the price of the forked Bitcoin chains alongside the original was $12,740 when Moas made his new prediction, $14,000 looked undervalued again.

$20,000 is a month away

Moas now puts the line in the sand at $20,000 for the split-adjusted price for 2018. Looking at how things have gone so far for Moas, a month is a long time, and perhaps $20,000 will be broken before that time.

Many pickers, investors and money movers have thrown their hats into the ring trying to hit the sweet spot of this volatile asset when it comes to prediction.

Tom Lee, rather conservatively, set a Bitcoin growth of 40 percent to happen by the middle of 2018. His prediction put him at $11,500. That prediction was made a week ago, and in that time Bitcoin topped at around $11,300.

Max Keiser has a much more bullish view, but over a longer time frame as the host of Russia Today’s Keiser Report believes that $100,000 Bitcoin is an eventuality.

Why split-adjusted?

Moas, as one of the most well-regarded stock pickers, is clearly in the Bitcoin game for its investment potential rather than the technology side which has seen different factions at war with each other. Some people are vehemently Bitcoin Cash supporters, and others true fans of the original chain.

Moas, however, with his investor’s hat on, sees that by buying Bitcoin he not only received free Bitcoin Cash, but also free Bitcoin Gold, and thus counts them together in his portfolio, urging others to d the same as a diversification strategy.

Bitcoin Diamond and the real gold

“I am raising my 2018 fork- and split-adjusted price target on Bitcoin from $14,000 to $20,000,” Moas explained. “The current price is $10,720 and the split-adjusted price is now $12,740 when factoring in Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Diamond.”

Bitcoin Diamond is another fork of the Bitcoin chain that went largely unnoticed. Its aim is to switch from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake after mining is completed - after just 10,000 blocks.

“Bitcoin is now up split-adjusted by 394 percent since my July 3 recommendation,” Moas went on. “There is no way to justify Gold $7 tln at 40X Bitcoin ($180 bln). An argument can be made that Bitcoin will be equal to Gold within 10-15 years. I do not know how much Gold there is in the ground … I do know how much Bitcoin there is.”

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More Devs, More Destruction: Another Zcash Crypto Ceremony Is Underway

Amid criticism of its first security ceremony, zcash has made changes as it prepares for a fork. But has it done enough to silence the skeptics?

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Opinion: Bitcoin Mining Consuming More Electricity Than 159 Countries is a Positive


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Bitcoin Price Fights for $10,000 as Volatility Triggers Record Trading Volume


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Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Says Bitcoin Should be ‘Outlawed’


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Questions of Regulation, Taxation Loom Over Crypto Investors

As the world of cryptocurrencies and ICOs heats up, there are many lingering questions about how tokens will fit within tax and regulatory frameworks.

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Topped Out? Bitcoin Flirts with Short-Term Bearish Reversal

Bitcoin prices are taking a hit at press time, and could suffer a deeper pullback over the weekend, the price charts indicate.

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(+) Asian Market Update – Thursday: Huge Gains in Cryptocurrencies, Asian Stocks in Red

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‘Big 4’ Accounting Giant PwC Accepts its First Bitcoin Payment

'Bitcoin has developed as a broadly accepted form of settlement,' PwC's APAC chairman.

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John McAfee Doubles Down, Predicts $1 Mln BTC, Bets His D**k On It

Outspoken John McAfee has made the bold claim that Bitcoin will be worth $1 mln by 2020.

John McAfee, founder of McAfee Associates a well-known software company has always been Bullish on Bitcoin, in fact, he has even been confrontational on the fact.

In July, with a lot of fear and uncertainty surrounding Bitcoin ahead of its Aug. 1 chain split, McAfee came forward and stated boldly that he was willing to stake his name and up to $10 mln on a bet that the Bitcoin price will move above $500,000 within three years or he would "eat my d**k on national television."

That prediction was seen as ludacris at the time, and many were left wondering how his on-screen promise would play out - however, now that Bitcoin has crossed $11,000, McAfee is not sitting back smugly, but rather raising the bar.

The outspoken tech mogul has now said:

“When I predicted Bitcoin at $500,000 by the end of 2020, it used a model that predicted $5,000 at the end of 2017. BTC has accelerated much faster than my model assumptions. I now predict Bitcoin at $1 mln by the end of 2020. I will still eat my dick if wrong.”

Predictions abound

With the feeling being that Bitcoin has truly crossed the mainstream adoption threshold, and the dam wall has broken, many big-name players have lent their thoughts to a predicted target.

Ronnie Moas, famed stock picker, has tried to remain ahead of the curve, changing his prediction three times in the month of November already. He began at $11,000 for the new year but then changed it to $14,000, before now settling on $20,000 for a split-adjusted price.

Tom Lee, much more cautiously, said:

“Bitcoin fell to $5,600 and since then rebounded. In our view, this move to $5,600 cleaned up weak hands and we no longer feel caution is warranted. … We recommend steady buying of Bitcoin at these levels."

He went on to predict 40 percent growth in seven months, but in all reality, Bitcoin fell short $200 of his $11,500 target this week.

Max Keiser is another one who has made a big and bold prediction, although it is only one-tenth of McAfee as he says Bitcoin at $100,000 is an eventuality.

Secret symbol № 16: v What is this?

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Bitcoin Price Nears $13,000 in India as Investors Join Boom Time Despite 30% Premium


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Bitcoin Price Tops $13,000 in India as Investors Join Boom Time Despite 30% Premium


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How Blockstack Counterattacked a Phishing Attempt on Its ICO

When phishing sites tried to con investors during its recent ICO, Blockstack used its tech expertise to turn the tables on the tricksters.

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Investors Taking a Risk Buying Bitcoin, Says ECB Vice President

The vice president of the European Central Bank said yesterday that investors are taking a risk buying bitcoin at current high prices.

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A Rollercoaster: Bitcoin Price Dips Below $9,100, Recovers to $10,300


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Just More FUD: Citadel CEO Wary of Bitcoin Bubble

Citadel CEO warns that confusion between Bitcoin and its Blockchain could burst the bubble.

With the $11,000 milestone newly etched onto its belt, Bitcoin continues its rise in value while a chorus of voices sings contrasting melodies. For some, the Bitcoin price surge over the past two weeks has been nothing short of miraculous, vindicating “outlandish” predictions made months ago. The more-wary pundits are staying at an arm’s length, watching nervously as what they describe as a bubble continues to grow.

Speaking to CNBC's Leslie Picker earlier this week, Citadel hedge fund founder and CEO Ken Griffin echoed the sentiments of JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, likening Bitcoin to the historical ‘Dutch tulip bulb mania’ in the 1600s. Griffin’s main concern is that people enticed by the hype of the Bitcoin bull run don’t have an understanding of the intrinsic value of the Blockchain technology it is based on.

"Blockchain's a very interesting technology that will have some very profound applications for society over the years to come.”

The billionaire is concerned that the average person on the street is simply trying to ride the wave, without understanding the applications of Blockchain technology. He suggests that the hype could end badly for some:

"I get very worried that people that are buying Bitcoins don't really understand what they're participating in other than the headline stories that it keeps going higher and I want to make sure I don't miss this opportunity to make some money.”

"So is it a fraud? No. But these bubbles tend to end in tears. And I worry about how this bubble might end."

When does the run end

There is no telling if and when Bitcoin’s rise in value will come to an end. The likes American broadcaster Max Keiser have suggested a $100,000 high in the coming years, while slightly more conservative estimates of a $40,000 high from fund manager Mike Novogratz still boggle the mind.

Conventional markets, in their simplest form, are dictated by supply and demand. While Bitcoin’s cap is 21 mln, analysts predict that its downfall could be further forks in the Blockchain in the future.

However, as the suspended SegWit2x fork proved, the community of developers, miners and traders have to reach a consensus before hard, telling changes are made to the Blockchain.

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Coinbase: ‘Partial Victory’ Appears To Put End To 12-Month Legal Battle

Coinbase will only need to send three percent of the original data summons to US tax authorities, a court has ruled.

Coinbase has hailed as a “partial victory” a court order to hand over transaction details of almost 15,000 customers to the government.

In a summary of the US exchange’s now year-long legal battle with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), communications officer David Farmer confirmed previous hints that only three percent of the original data demands would be sent to lawmakers.

The issue focuses on IRS suspicions that Bitcoin holders transacting through Coinbase were not paying appropriate taxes on profits.

After Coinbase ignored a request to inspect every transaction made through the company from 2013-2015, a court summons saw months of posturing before the IRS’ position finally became untenable.

The tax authority’s request, commentators and now legal entities confirmed, was too “broad” in its scope.

“...While today’s result is not the complete victory we hoped for, it does represent a substantial and unprecedented victory for the industry and the hundreds of thousands of customers that would have been unfairly targeted if it weren’t for our action,” Farmer said, adding Coinbase was “reviewing” the order to turn over all transactions of $20,000 or more.

The results provide a brief respite for Coinbase as its infrastructure feels the strain once again from Bitcoin price volatility.

As USD rates fluctuated by thousands of dollars over the past 48 hours, the exchange saw its servers go offline as it failed to cope with demand. Similar events occurred earlier this year as hundreds of thousands of new users opened wallets on a weekly basis.

from Cryptocracken Blogger

“Ban Bitcoin!” Says Nobel Prize Winner, While Ignoring FANG Losses

Bitcoin should be banned, but what about FANG stocks, Joe?

In a statement that will be widely approved and vilified by opposing camps, Joseph Stiglitz said on Bloomberg TV that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin should be banned. His commentary is based on analysis saying that the market for Bitcoin is driven mostly by its potential to circumvent government agencies.

His rant continued, stating that the Bitcoin market will ‘go up, and then come down,’ leaving many investors injured, and therefore it should be banned, adding that it doesn’t serve any ‘socially useful function.’

Ban it all, Joe, ban it all

Apparently, Dr. Stiglitz may also desire to ban the famous FANG stocks (Facebook, Apple, Netflix, and Google), which, on the same day as the recent price decline for Bitcoin, faced far greater losses.

In fact, while Bitcoin lost around $3 bln in market cap, the FANG stocks lost $60 bln - twenty times as much. If consumer protection is the main goal, the FANG stocks are a far greater risk, and worthy of the ban.


In the final analysis, however, regardless of the opinions of economists, the very nature of Bitcoin may make it impossible to ban. Instead, governments must simply deal with the cryptocurrency, and regulate its trade in reasonable and rational ways. According to Kain Warwick, Founder of Havven:

"Thankfully it’s somewhat irrelevant whether anyone in particular thinks Bitcoin should be banned, because one of its strongest points is that it is, in practice, not able to be banned."

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Ukrainian Shipping Company Accepts Bitcoin for Faster, Sanctions-Free Global Trade


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On the Way to the Moon – BANKEX Has Reached Its Soft Cap on the First Day of Its Token Sale


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Video Content Disruptor Flixxo Will Be Listed on KuCoin: Trading Starts on Thursday November 30


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Ronnie Moas Raises Bitcoin Target Again: $20,000 By Start Of 2018

Ronnie Moas, quite happily, keeps changing his mind on where Bitcoin will be in the new year.

November has been a busy week for famed stock picker Ronnie Moas who, on Nov. 4, predicted that by the beginning of 2018 Bitcoin would hit $11,000. That was recently blown out the water, but before the target was hit, he adjusted to $14,000.

Now, Bitcoin is on its way to smashing that new target causing Moas to readjust for the third time in a month as the digital currency revels in a new era of adoption and acceptance.

Moas looks at Bitcoin as a whole, incorporating all the chain splits in his split-adjusted price is and considering the price of the forked Bitcoin chains alongside the original was $12,740 when Moas made his new prediction, $14,000 looked undervalued again.

$20,000 is a month away

Moas now puts the line in the sand at $20,000 for the split-adjusted price when the new year hits. Looking at how things have gone so far for Moas, a month is a long time, and perhaps $20,000 will be broken before that time.

Many pickers, investors and money movers have thrown their hats into the ring trying to hit the sweet spot of this volatile asset when it comes to prediction.

Tom Lee, rather conservatively, set a Bitcoin growth of 40 percent to happen by the middle of 2018. His prediction put him at $11,500. That prediction was made a week ago, and in that time Bitcoin topped at around $11,300.

Max Keiser has a much more bullish view, but over a longer time frame as the host of Russia Today’s Keiser Report believes that $100,000 Bitcoin is an eventuality.

Why split-adjusted?

Moas, as one of the most well-regarded stock pickers, is clearly in the Bitcoin game for its investment potential rather than the technology side which has seen different factions at war with each other. Some people are vehemently Bitcoin Cash supporters, and others true fans of the original chain.

Moas, however, with his investor’s hat on, sees that by buying Bitcoin he not only received free Bitcoin Cash, but also free Bitcoin Gold, and thus counts them together in his portfolio, urging others to d the same as a diversification strategy.

Bitcoin Diamond and the real gold

“I am raising my 2018 fork- and split-adjusted price target on Bitcoin from $14,000 to $20,000,” Moas explained. “The current price is $10,720 and the split-adjusted price is now $12,740 when factoring in Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Diamond.”

Bitcoin Diamond is another fork of the Bitcoin chain that went largely unnoticed. Its aim is to switch from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake after mining is completed - after just 10,000 blocks.

“Bitcoin is now up split-adjusted by 394 percent since my July 3 recommendation,” Moas went on. “There is no way to justify Gold $7 tln at 40X Bitcoin ($180 bln). An argument can be made that Bitcoin will be equal to Gold within 10-15 years. I do not know how much Gold there is in the ground … I do not know how much Bitcoin there is.”

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More Devs, More Destruction: Inside Zcash's Second Crypto Ceremony

Amid criticism of its first security ceremony, zcash has made changes as it prepares for a fork. But has it done enough to silence the skeptics?

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Cashaa Will Power Financial Transactions for the Zero-Code Blockchain App Development Environment


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(+) Asian Market Update – Thursday: Huge Gains in Cryptocurrencies, Asian Stocks in Red

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Blockchain P2P Lending, Sending, and Spending: Etherecash Garners Support from over 40,000 Contributors During Pre-ICO


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South Korea Nears Mandating Regulations for Bitcoin Exchanges


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CNT Future Will Fight Centralized Mining, and Offer a Greener, More Charitable Cryptocurrency Option


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Bid4CC Spearheads the First-Ever Online Cryptocurrency Auction


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Simdaq Launches Social Platform for Democratisation and Development of Cryptocurrency Trading


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All-In-One Game Development Platform GetGame Launches Token Reservation List November 30, 2017


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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Hackers Infiltrate Official Bitcoin Gold Wallet Repository


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Infamous Discarded Hard Drive Holding 7,500 Bitcoins Would be Worth $80 Million Today

Old timers remember the story of a Welsh man who threw away a hard drive containing 7,500 Bitcoins. That lost drive would be worth over $80 mln today.

During the summer of 2013, while cleaning out his desk, a Welsh man named James Howells threw away a hard drive from his broken Dell Laptop.

Unfortunately, he realized several months later that the drive held 7,500 Bitcoin mined back in 2009. At the time, with Bitcoin approaching and finally just exceeding $1,000 in price, the scrapped hard drive would have been worth over $7 mln.

The story created a lot of hype about the rising the value of Bitcoin and the fortunes - or misfortunes - of the currency’s first miners and investors. Many of them had dabbled with the currency while it was in its infancy, only to forget about it and fail to backup their wallets.

Howells, who essentially dumped $7.5 mln (£4 mln) onto a landfill in Newport, Wales was of course furious, disappointed and dumbstruck. Over the next few years, he may have come to terms with his loss, only to have old wounds reopened as the currency began its long climb this year. At press time, Bitcoin’s price stands at $10,700, giving that trashed hard drive a value of over $80 mln.

‘That’s a bad idea’

Howell had mined those 7,500 coins himself as a hobby back when Bitcoin was a mere plaything for the technologically inclined. Howells related:

"You know when you put something in the bin, and in your head, say to yourself 'that's a bad idea'? I really did have that.”

Howells explains how he stopped mining when his girlfriend complained about the noise from the laptop and the heat it was producing. When he spilled lemonade on the laptop the following year, he dismantled it for parts. He initially kept the hard drive for a few years before finally discarding it.

Back in 2013, Howells said:

"I'm at the point where it's either laugh about it or cry about it. Why aren't I out there with a shovel now? I think I'm just resigned to never being able to find it."

Once can only imagine how the unfortunate Howells feels today.

“Don’t tell my Wife”

Howells isn’t the only person to experience the pain of such financial loss. An Australian man, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of the wrath of his wife, has also come forward with a tale of thousands of missing Bitcoin.

Alex, as he wants to be called, describes how in 2009 he mined “thousands, plural” of Bitcoin as part of a novel new idea. Then when the program for mining got a little too big and cumbersome, he gave up, deleted the program, and stashed his Bitcoin on a cheap USB. He said:

“The thinking was that it’s offline, not on my PC, so in case something bad happened to the PC — [if] it blew up, or [was] hacked — I still had a backup.”

Around the end of 2013, when the Bitcoin price peaked at just over $1,000, he suddenly remembered his wallet:

“[I plugged] the USB stick back in to try and access the file, but the stick died. It was one of those cheap made-in-China ones.”

Just like Howells, Alex has had to watch the Bitcoin price balloon, counting the tens of millions of dollars he lost everytime a new milestone is reached.

“Worst mistake of my life. Never back up anything on a cheap Chinese-made disk or USB stick.”

Lost forever

Other stories of lost Bitcoins abound, including that of a Gizmodo editor who threw away a hard drive containing 1,400 Bitcoins in 2012. He paid $25 for the coins, at an average price of only 1.5 cents each. They would now be worth almost $15 mln.

These cases and others inspired a new study that has estimated that as many as four million Bitcoin are gone forever. The study puts the majority of the lost coins in the category of ‘out of circulation’ as of course, those coins still exist on the Blockchain, they just cannot be accessed.

One difficulty in estimating the number of “lost” Bitcoin is uncertainty over whether Satoshi is still alive and still has access to his private keys. The study’s numbers assume that Satoshi’s approximately one million Bitcoins are lost, but of course, nobody can be certain of that.

Keeping coins safe

One of the first rules for Bitcoin newbies is to keep your coins off exchanges where they are vulnerable to online threats. However, there are a number of offline threats that can also occur.

These two case studies show just how easy it is to lose a digital asset that is not stored online; from a broken hard drive to a corrupt USB, even misplacing the thing becomes a problem.

Matthew Unger, founder and CEO of iComply Investor Services Inc. suggested:

"Just like you keep some cash in your wallet, some in your bank account and perhaps the really valuable stuff in a safe, you need to manage digital currencies in the same way."

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Wall Street Journal: Nasdaq to Offer Bitcoin Futures in June 2018

Nasdaq joining the Bitcoin futures market? Yes, according to the WSJ.

The Nasdaq exchange may begin to offer Bitcoin futures as early as June 2018, according to a report issued by the Wall Street Journal. The report indicates that the stock exchange will follow suit behind the two Chicago-based markets that have already indicated the specifics of their Bitcoin futures plans.

While regulatory approval is still pending, the reality that Bitcoin futures are an in-demand option has driven a number of exchanges to at least consider the possibility. According to John D’Agostino, a former Nymex executive and current exchange board member:

“Every research department of every regulated exchange is saying, ‘Can we do this?’ “The majority of costs associated with that are marketing. If people want to trade this thing, why wouldn’t you? This is a gift from the heavens.”

According to the report, the exchange would add the Bitcoin contract onto its existing Nasdaq Futures platform (NFX). The platform was launched in 2015 and has mainly focused on energy trading, but would now be potentially repurposed to include cryptocurrency contracts.

While CME Group has a much larger futures market than Nasdaq, the latter has greater name recognition among retail investors. Nasdaq’s imprimatur might make a significant difference for ordinary investors who might be on the fence about whether to buy digital currency.

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Coinbase Wins Partial Victory Over IRS, Government Data Request Reduced

Coinbase wins a partial victory in its legal dispute with the IRS, reducing the number of affected users by 97%.

Coinbase has won a partial victory in their ongoing legal battle with the IRS regarding the disclosure of private user information. According to Coinbase, the government initially sought records on over 500,000 users in their efforts to catch tax cheats. After months of legal wrangling, Coinbase announced that the IRS has reduced their records request to only 14,000 users, a 97% reduction.

Coinbase also announced that the amount of documentation requested by the IRS has been substantially reduced. The company’s blog post did not reveal the criteria used to determine the 14,000 “high volume” users the IRS is interested in. Nor did Coinbase reveal the extent of the documentation that the tax agency is now seeking.

Setting precedents

The partial win for the cryptocurrency exchange is an important step in general cryptocurrency tax consideration. According to Coinbase, most companies simply hand information over to the IRS, but they sought to maintain user privacy:

“Coinbase started this process more than 12 months ago, and while today’s result is not the complete victory we hoped for, it does represent a substantial and unprecedented victory for the industry and the hundreds of thousands of customers that would have been unfairly targeted if it weren’t for our action. Although we are disappointed not to be able to entirely defeat the summons, we are proud to fight for our customers and in the result we were able to achieve as a small company against a large government agency.”

The company promised that, should they be required to submit the requested information on the final 14,000 users, they would inform them before the actual disclosure takes place. The company’s legal staff is currently evaluating the order before proceeding.

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Just 400%? Willy Woo's Magic Math for Insane Crypto Returns

High stakes altcoin investor Willy Woo has the math to back up his (at times turbulent) investment thesis.

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Experts Answer Question: “How Did Bitcoin Reach $10,000?”

With Bitcoin having hit the magical $10,000 mark, experts chime in on how we got here.

In January this year, $1,000 was the milestone Bitcoin owners were eager to reach. The digital currency hit that, overcame it and increased ten-fold to over $10,000. This year has been filled with good news for digital currency, from another Asian market boom, to Bitcoin’s integration with the Square App, the launching of regulated futures markets and growing mainstream adoption. Despite being laughed off for years, Bitcoin is only just beginning to become a force to be reckoned with in the global economy.

Cointelegraph had the opportunity to speak with several experts and ask them the question: “How did Bitcoin get to $10,000?” We have shared their responses below.

Institutional money

Hedge funds, pension funds, family offices and the like have shown extraordinary interest in Bitcoin this year. Such “institutions” control vast amounts of money. As an example, the UK-based hedge fund Man Group, which has expressed interest in trading Bitcoin, controls assets exceeding $100 bln.

Simon Yu, CEO of StormX, said:

“The Bitcoin price is at an all-time high is due to institutional money finally starting to flow into the cryptocurrency market. Recently, announcements from the South Korean Bank Hyosung in support of Bitcoin, from CME Group announcing they'll be launching a Bitcoin futures market, and from Square Cash announcing Bitcoin will be supported caused bullish behavior in the market, pointing to a major shift.

“The general public is starting to realize Cryptocurrency is beginning to be adopted to mainstream markets and will continue an upward trend as they see the potential for more companies to adopt cryptocurrency.”

Christopher Grey, COO of Caplinked, agrees with Yu’s statements, but is far less Bullish in the matter:

“Investors unfamiliar with crypto are piling new money into Bitcoin right now, making the situation highly unstable as investors expect the price of Bitcoin to keep going up. Any declines could be exaggerated dramatically because they are not stable owners of Crypto.

“Alternatively, the price could continue to rise parabolically, drawing in enormous sums in the tens of billions of dollars from other risky liquid investments like growth stocks and junk bonds. This could cause the prices of those investments to weaken as a result of this liquidity moving out of them and into Crypto.”

“Either way, this situation is not stable and cannot continue for an extended period of time. Something needs to give in one of the risk markets, as liquidity in these markets is not infinite and nothing here is being created, just moved from one risk market to another by speculators. This didn’t matter when total crypto value was small, but at these levels of hundreds of billions in value, it becomes a substantial user of global risk capital.”

Newcomers are still early adopters

In 2014, when Bitcoin hit its first real mainstream swing with Coinbase and other exchanges upping their user experience, people were already asking: “Is it too late get into Bitcoin?”

Those questions persist today, and recur every time Bitcoin’s price rises another $1,000. However, since only an estimated half-percent of the global population uses digital currency, there is still plenty of time to be an early adopter.

Jon Chou, CEO of Bee Token says:

“People often complain that it's too late to get into Bitcoin, that most of the early adopters have been in since 2010 and there's no more or little room for upside. I'll offer an alternative long term-angle; this is not financial advice. According to, there are approximately 700,000 Bitcoin addresses as of November 2017.

“One of the main problems Bitcoin claims to solve is the issue of remittances, basically globally distributed access….Well, there are seven billion people in this world. Assuming a 10% penetration rate and if everyone owns just one address, then there are still 700 million address potentially in the future. That's a potential 1000x in user base. Regardless of fluctuations in price in the short term, it's important to realize how early we are in the Blockchain space as a whole.”

Sol Lederer, Blockchain Director at LOOMIA echoes Chou’s point, stating that Bitcoin is still in its infancy, and that Bitcoiners from 2010 and earlier are now starting to be vindicated rather than victimized.

“Long-time Bitcoiners finally feel vindicated that their currency that has been ridiculed for years, is at last being taken seriously. Naysayers may still say Bitcoin is a bubble, but very few would argue it’s worthless or a scam, yet only a year ago this was a common narrative.

“Bitcoin’s future is still uncertain; it faces the same serious technical challenges it has for years, and faces stiff competition from newer, more sophisticated Blockchains. But even if it were to crash, it’s apparent that Bitcoin is here to stay. Whether it trades at $10,000, $5,000, or $500, it’s not going away.”

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House and Senate Tax Bills Kill Cryptocurrency “Like Kind” Exchanges: Expert Blog

Trades between two cryptocurrencies may or may not qualify as nontaxable “like kind” exchanges, but new bill would nix that possibility.

Expert Blog is Cointelegraph’s new series of articles by crypto industry leaders. It covers everything from Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to ICO regulation and investment analysis. If you want to become our guest author and get published on Cointelegraph, please send us an email at

Broadly stated, a 1031 exchange (also called a like-kind exchange or a Starker) is a swap of one business or investment asset for another. Under US tax code, most swaps are taxable as sales. In fact, the IRS has actively gone after the barter community, trying to tax goods and services that are exchanged.

Section 1031 is an exception to the rule that swaps are generally fully taxable. If you can manage to come within 1031, you’ll either have no tax, or limited tax due at the time of the exchange. In effect, you can change the form of your investment without (as the IRS sees it) cashing out or recognizing a capital gain. That way your investment continues to grow, tax-deferred. If you qualify, there’s no limit on how many times or how frequently you can do a 1031.

Primarily used for real estate

Big commercial real estate developers do this all the time. Think Donald Trump.

You can roll over the gain from one piece of investment real estate to another, to another and another. Although you may have a profit on each swap, you avoid tax until you actually sell for cash many years later. Then, you’ll hopefully pay only one tax, at a long-term capital gains rate.

Since the IRS says cryptocurrency is property and not currency, swaps under 1031 should be fine, right? Not so fast - whether 1031 applies to cryptocurrency is debatable. But the debate may not be relevant for much longer, since both the House tax bill and the Senate tax bill propose to restrict 1031 exchanges to real estate only.

The real estate industry is breathing a big sigh of relief that 1031 exchanges are being kept for them. In fact, the vast majority of 1031 exchanges are of real estate. However, some exchanges of personal property (say a painting) can qualify. But exchanges of corporate stock or partnership interests don’t qualify. On the other hand, interests as a tenant in common (sometimes called TICs) in real estate do.

Most exchanges must merely be of “like-kind”—an enigmatic phrase that doesn’t mean what you think it means. You can exchange an apartment building for raw land, or a ranch for a strip mall. Classically, an exchange involves a simple swap of one property for another between two people.

Delayed exchanges

But the odds of finding someone with the exact property you want who wants the exact property you have are slim. For that reason, the vast majority of exchanges are delayed or “Starker” exchanges (named for the tax case that allowed them). In a delayed exchange, you need a middleman who holds the cash after you “sell” your property and uses it to “buy” the replacement property for you.

This three-party exchange is treated as a swap. The intermediary must meet a number of requirements. That’s one reason delayed exchanges of cryptocurrency may not qualify. There are also two timing rules you must observe in a delayed exchange.

Once the sale of your property occurs, the intermediary will receive the cash. Then, within 45 days of the sale of your property, you must designate replacement property in writing to the intermediary, specifying the property you want to acquire. The second timing rule in a delayed exchange relates to closing.

You must close on the new property within 180 days of the sale of the old. Note that the two time periods run concurrently. That means you start counting when the sale of your property closes. If you designate replacement property exactly 45 days later, you’ll have 135 days left to close on the replacement property.

You may have cash left over after the intermediary acquires the replacement property. If so, the intermediary will pay it to you at the end of the 180 days. That cash–known as “boot”—will be taxed as partial sales proceeds from the sale of your property.

You must consider mortgage loans or other debt on the property you relinquish, and any debt on the replacement property. If you don’t receive cash back but your liability goes down, that too will be treated just like cash. There are many traps that can derail tax-free treatment.

What about cryptocurrency?

Until the law changes, what about 1031 exchanges of cryptocurrency? The IRS has been asked about this, but has so far remained mum. Some holders of cryptocurrency probably can say they are holding their cryptocurrency for use in their business or for investment. In fact, the investment use qualifier seems easy.

But the far tougher hurdle is whether they are swapping for property of like-kind. A direct Bitcoin for Bitcoin swap might be fine. But a Bitcoin for Ripple or Ethereum trade might not qualify. Section 1031 does not apply to trades of stocks or bonds, and the IRS could rely on this to nix any cross-species trade of cryptocurrency.

On the other hand, one might argue that different types of cryptocurrency are a little like different types of gold coins. If a swap of one type of gold coin for another qualifies, why not swaps of cryptocurrency? However, one likely IRS answer might be that if you swap, say, Ripple for Bitcoin, that is really more like swapping silver for gold, or vice versa.

Silver for gold would be taxable, so the IRS may say that a cross-species swap of cryptocurrency should be too. Many observers think this is how the IRS would come out. But the IRS hasn’t said this so far. So, some of this question turns on risk.

On risk and reporting

How big are the gains you are hoping to shield, and how much of a chance are you willing to take? On top of those questions, there are tax reporting rules to address. You need to claim Section 1031 treatment on your tax return to be able to say that you met the rules.

It might seem tempting not to report swaps of cryptocurrency and try to fly under the radar. But for those trying to use 1031, failing to report would be a mistake, in my view. You can’t qualify for 1031 unless you claim it. If you want to see what you have to report to the IRS on your tax return, check out IRS Form 8824.  

Both the House and Senate tax bills call for cutting back Section 1031 to cover only real estate. The two tax bills are filled with controversy, but not over this point. In that sense, the debates over 1031 exchanges of cryptocurrency may not be relevant too much longer.

Bio: Robert W. Wood is a tax lawyer representing clients worldwide from offices at Wood LLP, in San Francisco ( He is the author of numerous tax books and writes frequently about taxes for, Tax Notes, and other publications.

Disclaimer: This discussion is not intended as legal advice and does not necessarily represent the views of the Cointelegraph.

from Cryptocracken Blogger

BlockShow Asia 2017: GBX Provides New Crypto Investing Platform

Gibralter Blockchain Exchange (GBX) announced at BlockShow Asia, uses the stock exchange model most familiar to mainstream investors.

Cointelegraph has been monitoring the ongoing BlockShow Asia conference, and several announcements have been made by Blockchain specialists around the world. One such announcement comes from one of the smallest independent areas in the world, Gibralter.

The Gibralter Stock Exchange (GSX) is now offering the Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBX), a new and way for crypto investors to take part in the rapidly growing cryptocurrency markets. With passport rights throughout Europe, and already having the approval of European regulators, Gibralter is uniquely poised to create just such a platform.

The system provides a platform where traditional investors may be more comfortable - a stock exchange model - and GBX will actively vet new offerings in hopes of ensuring the safety of its investors. The plan, according to the company, is to create a harbor for investors who are too nervous to brave the uncharted waters of the crypto markets:

“Centered on the solid foundations of Gibraltar’s emerging regulations, the GBX seeks to become the world’s first nationally regulated digital asset marketplace and ecosystem, building towards a new era of certainty and stability for the world of Blockchain technology. Members of the fintech community will find their home for a secure, supported and vibrant crypto community.”

As BlockShow Asia continues, undoubtedly more will come. Keep your eyes on Cointelegraph to hear about all the announcements first-hand, as our team enjoys the conference live.

from Cryptocracken Blogger

Blockchain Technology The Future For Media - Interview With Mindshare CSO

Blockchain the future of media, according to Mindshare CSO R Gowthaman.

Mindshare, the global media agency, recently signed an important partnership agreement with Zilliqa, the Singapore-based Blockchain technology company, to begin testing Blockchain solutions for fake news, data security and a potential industry-wide token system for validation.

Mindshare is a massive company with 7,000 employees and $31 bln in revenue, and their involvement with Blockchain technology will make huge waves in the coming months and years. Cointelegraph sat down for an exclusive interview with R Gowthaman, the Chief Strategy Officer at Mindshare to understand more about their growing Blockchain interest.

Cointelegraph: Tell us a little bit about the direction Mindshare is moving in relation to technology adoption?

Mindshare: Within the Advertising Industry, media planning and buying, as a function/discipline has always remained heavily invested in the technology. From the beginning, we needed software programming to optimise media vehicles to using sophisticated analytics tools to link ad sales to business results through statistical modelling.

And Mindshare has always remained in the forefront of this [for] two decades. The rising share of digital investments ... on the back of rising programmatic distribution of content to consumers is a big tipping point for technology adoption. Over the past 2-3 years, AdTech and MarTech as an ecosystem has exploded with various sub-industries from DMPs, DSPs, Verification, Visualisation to Saas and now Paas.

CT: How do you see technology changing the media and marketing landscape?

MS: At this point of time, we believe there are too many layers and specialisms that are driving confusion rather than clarity and ease of operations for the media and the marketing landscape. However, in the long term, we equally strongly believe that this industry cannot organise itself better, without technology. And at the heart of it is data. We believe technology should help the ecosystem see more value out of data; more sense out of data and critically, to cut the cacophony to orchestrate it well.

CT: What specific applications do you see Blockchain technology having for Mindshare?

MS: While the media and the marketing industry is still grappling as to how to get data and use it well, we believe this is where Blockchain can help resolve some of the existing tensions in the ecosystem. First of all, there is lack of trust within the ecosystem as the stakeholders are zealously guarding their own information (for all the right reasons) of what we call 1st, 2nd and 3rd party data sets.

While we are still living with this nomenclature, what is 1st party data to one member is 3rd party to somebody else and so on and so forth. We believe Blockchain technology can neutralise this nomenclature and assemble all the data sets into one common “ledger” which can be protected for privacy and anonymity through a “distribution” and with a “hash” that can be used as a chain to connect all of them.

This will help the industry immensely in two ways. One is to provide better context in which advertising is appearing online and another is to help understand the consumer in his journey to the actual sale. It is important to note that today Google and Facebook, which constitute nearly 80% of digital ad spends, do not share their data beyond their own universe (we call this a “walled garden”).

We hope Blockchain can help in getting the data out of their garden without compromising anything, because, in our business, what we really want to know and understand is the “online behaviour” and NOT ‘individual identities.”

CT: What are your thoughts on the future of cryptocurrencies generally?

MS: We believe there is immense potential in the construct of a distributed ledger which is maintained by an open sourced community with a native token. This is what excites us and believe that society in general requires such a construct. At a very philosophical level, this is the representation of true democracy.

However the success or the failure of cryptocurrency is very largely dependent on the governance of the same. In an attempt to provide scale and speed we are now moving towards federated nodes which then helps expand to unlimited number of auditing nodes. This essentially means that we are making some choices in between and these choices can either build trust on this currency or make people lose faith in it. The Blockchain industry needs to come forward to demystify some of the existing beliefs and help create more awareness for this.

from Cryptocracken Blogger